IPA, as driving force behind the CAIPA initiative, is actively supporting the CAIPA project in South Sudan undertaking “Emergency Procurement and Distribution if Priority Essential Drugs and Medical Commodities for the Primary Health Care Facilities and Hospitals with the South Sudan Ministry of Health”.
Following the implementation schedule for the project, the supplies are arriving Juba International Airport on an almost daily basis and are being delivered to the CAIPA warehouse on the edge of the Airport. From there, further distribution to the District Medical Facilities, Teaching- and Referral Hospitals and lower levels of the Health Facilities is being implemented.
To date, distribution has reached 27 of the 81 counties with daily loading from Juba. Airfreight shipments remain coming-in from consolidation points in Europe, the Netherlands and India. From an efficientcy angle, all cargo is being flown by wide body planes to Addis Ababa, and from there ith a narrow body Boeiing 757 to Juba, South Sudan.
For a reaction from the districts, please follow the below link:
Aweil West: 33 health centers receive medicines
For a full update, please see below report:
CAIPA Bulletin – 20 May 2016