History South Sudan
When the Republic of South Sudan came into existence on 09 July 2011 it immediately became one of the poorest countries in the world. Years of conflict had prevented the establishment of physical and social infrastructure, eroded what infrastructure existed, caused the death and displacement of millions of people, and made South Sudan one of the most underdeveloped regions of the world. The health needs of the people of South Sudan are immense and are a direct result of pervasive poverty and a long history of conflict. South Sudan has a very basic health care system which was weakened by each successive conflict, a severe shortage of health workers, and lack of access to health facilities. South Sudanese returning from Sudan since independence have increased the burden on these health facilities, particularly in border counties.
The GRSS Health Sector Development Plan 2012–16 (HSDP) states three main objectives:
1) to increase use and quality of health services;
2) to empower communities to take charge of their health; and
3) to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the health system.
Health Pooled Fund
The HPF launched in October 2012, following the principles of aid effectiveness and public health approaches to support the MOH deliver health services; while increasing ownership, capacity, and accountability of the MOH at all levels. It started with a period of bridging contracts to transition health services from previous funding mechanisms. After the bridging period, long term contracts were issued based on the County Model, covering health service delivery, health systems strengthening and strengthening community ownership. The HPF has supported county hospitals, faith based hospitals, State hospitals, and family planning services in six states. In April 2016, HPF2 expanded its geographic coverage to eight of the ten former states. Up until now, HPF has been funded by the British Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), the Government of Canada, the European Union, the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (SIDA), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). IPA has fullfilled the role of procurement agent for the management team as part of its appointment as DFID procurement agent in South Sudan.
Health Pooled Fund 2
Under the HPF Phase II (HPF2), IPA supports the Government of the Republic of South Sudan with the essential components of the supply chain for pharmaceuticals and medical consumables. CHDs are supported in strengthening the supply chain management and utilisation of quality pharmaceuticals and medical products in the county. Presently, most of the pharmaceuticals are delivered in a “push” system in the form of pre-packed kits, but this will move this to a “pull” system according to the needs of the facilities, while still aligning to the MOH Essential Drugs list. This will require coherent strategies that will oversee quantification, procuring, financing, storage and distribution of drugs and supplies. This will mean using standard requisition and reporting forms, stock cards and monitoring the utilisation of drugs at facilities.
for a an update on the current situation, please click on the link below:
HPF Supply Chain Bulletin 20170130
For more pictures of our work in South Sudan, please see our facebookpage:
CAIPA Facebook Page – Official